Administrative Functions and Office Management Skills

Administrative Functions and Office Management Skills


Learn how to efficiently organise, manage and administer the office and the workplace environment, including both personnel and office equipment and systems.

This very practical Program provides expert training on the most important duties of modern office managers, administrators, supervisors and personnel; it aims to produce office managers/administrators who can effectively and efficiently supervise services essential to the smooth running of the enterprise.  The office and its personnel must be well managed, which requires training, supervision and control of personnel, equipment, and computer systems; and management of the communications network, the reception, the mailroom, cashiering, accounts work, stationery, office layout, and much more

At the end of the course, participants would:

  • Understand the functions of the management team and the functions of the management
  • Be highly proficient in their business support functions
  • Develop technique of effective records and information management
  • Appreciate the importance of communication and improve their communications skills
  • Being brought up to date with what is expected as an administrative officer


  • Introduction to Office Management and Administration Skills
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Business Communication
  • Attitudinal Changes for Improved Productivity
  • Time and Meeting Management
  • Managing the Boss
  • Record Management .


2 Days


13th - 14th April

26th- 27th October

FEE [₦]

50, 000

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