Defensive Driving ( A Proactive Road Safety Training)

Defensive driving is a form of training for vehicle drivers that makes them aware about the driving rules, standard driving practices and the required driving mechanics. Its main objective is to reduce the risk of driving by anticipating hazardous situations, adverse conditions or the driving errors of others.
Adherence to Road Traffic Regulations is first step, but what are more important for defensive driving is anticipating the wrong moves, tendencies to commit mistakes and acts of over-adventure by motorists and promptly taking defensive measures. This comes with lot of practice and driving wisdom.
At the end of the training, participants would learn how to:
- Assess risk associated with driving task
- Strategically plan with current tools and techniques
- Identify the essential theories, practise and techniques of professional driving
- Display ownership and responsibility for safety attitude
- The Importance to Drivers’
- Defensive Driving Techniques
- Safe Driving Tips
- Rules of Defensive Driving
- Driving as a Profession
- Types of Defensive Driving
- A Good Driver Defined
- Qualities of Defensive Driving
- Benefits of Defensive Driving
1 Day
On Request
FEE [₦]
40, 000
All Available Courses
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- Business Management and Strategy
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- Financial Management
- Occupational Health Safety and Environment
- Mastering Human Resource Management
- Employee Performance Behaviour and attitude
- Leadership and Team Building
- Marketing Management
- Personal Skills Development (Managing Oneself for Peak Performance and Interpersonal Skills)
- Production and Service Process Management
- Teller Service Orientation program
- Selling Skills and Sales Management
- ISO 9001: 2015 Internal Auditors Training
- Facility Management Practise
- Time management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity
- Procurement and Contracts
- Business Writing and Communication Skills
- Accounting for Non Accountants
- Change Management- Making Organization Change Happen Effectively
- Negotiation Principles and Techniques
- Defensive Driving ( A Proactive Road Safety Training)
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- Oil and Gas Health and Safety
- Project Management Training
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