ISO 45001: 2018 Health and Safety Internal Audit Training

ISO 45001: 2018 Health and Safety Internal Audit Training

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An ineffective audit can mean severe consequences; resulting in process failure, customer dissatisfaction and regulatory noncompliance. This training would optimize your auditing skills with the internationally recognized ISO 45001:2018 and boost your internal audit capabilities. Gain confidence in planning and performing an effective audit, as well as reporting and taking corrective action where necessary.

This course develops the necessary skills to assess and report on the conformance and implementation of processes based on ISO 45001:2018. You’ll learn how to initiate an audit, prepare and conduct audit activities, compile and distribute audit reports and complete follow-up activities.

Describe the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHS-MS)-Requirement’s standard and development process

 Identify ISO 45001:2018 OHS-MS terms
 Describe the intent and requirements of ISO 45001:2018
 Determine the evidence needed to demonstrate conformity to ISO 45001:2018
 Apply the process approach and Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology
 Evaluate documented information required by ISO 45001:2018 and the interrelationships between the quality processes, quality planning, policy, and objectives
 Apply the principles, processes, and methods of auditing
 Demonstrate the activities involved in preparing for an audit
 Determine an effective audit in the context of the auditee’s organizational situation
 Apply effective audit skills and practice personal behaviors necessary for an effective and efficient conduct of a management system audit



 Day One
 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHS-MS)
 ISO 45001 family of documents
 Analyze ISO 45001 standard
 Apply ISO 45001 standard
 Product realization process
 ISO 45001:2018 auditing specifics

 Types of audits
 Audit approaches
 Audit objectives, scope, and criteria
 Auditor competence
 Auditor principles and methods
 Audit program
 Audit roles and responsibilities
 Audit techniques
 Gather information
 Audit cycle


2 Days


23rd September

24th September

FEE [₦]


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